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Grow Your Wellness

At Anahata Wellness, I use my extensive training, personal practice and in-depth understanding of mindfulness, yoga and health to share and cultivate awareness of one’s own practice and life process. 

Choose and create living a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness has many paths, it's much more than being free from stress and unhappiness, it's a process of change and personal growth, mentally, physically and spiritually.

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What is Anahata?

Anahata, is the fourth of the seven main chakras, is located at the heart center. The word is Sanskrit meaning "unstruck," "unhurt" or "unbeaten." Associated with air, the anahata chakra governs love, compassion and acceptance.

Certain yoga poses and meditations promote a healthy and open heart center, such as ustrasana (camel pose), anahatasana (melting heart pose) and chakrasana (wheel pose). The heart chakra, keeps us balanced, calms the mind, promotes emotional stability, and the capacity to love self and selflessly is one of the greatest characteristics of this power chakra. It is also associated with the color green :) 

Let's grow, open and care for our a-na-ha-ta! 

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Mindfulness and Meditation

Research has shown that meditation and mindfulness practices can help decrease stress, improves focus, lower anxiety, improve memory, improve creativity and contribute to a greater sense of health, happiness and well-being.  

Mindfulness is the simple act of being present in the moment, paying attention in a formal or informal manner.  Being mindful, you are actively involved in the activity with all of your senses instead of allowing your mind to wander elsewhere or detach from what is going on. 

Meditation usually refers to formal, seated, reclined or walking practice. There are many types of meditation that include a focus on breathing, expanding your awareness, focusing, calming your mind and/or, creating inner peace. 

  • Breath-awareness meditation

  • Loving-kindness meditation (Metta)

  • Chakra meditation 

  • Visualization meditation

  • Guided meditation

  • Walking meditation

  • Mantra-based meditation

Meditation is an intentional practice, where you focus inward to increase harmony, calmness, concentration, and emotional balance. Length of time varies but same time of day is highly encouraged for continuity. 

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An Inside Look

Any where and any time, your mindfulness practice is available.

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Live With Passion & Purpose

To achieve optimal wellness, one must apply it toward every possible aspect of life. You can apply a wellness approach towards your environment, community, work, belief systems, physical activity, self care, healthy eating, self esteem, and/or creative activities. Applying wellness in your everyday life will allow you to achieve your full potential and live with passion and purpose.  This will consistently guide you to adapt new thoughts and let go of ways that do not promote a happy life.

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Mindfulness Matters

In order to live a higher quality of life, maintaining optimal wellness is key. Everything we feel and do relates to our well-being and directly affects our actions and emotions. in order to subdue stress, reduce illness, and insure positive moments in your life, you must achieve optimal wellness.

Everyone leads a hectic life nowadays. So, why not let me work with you to develop or expand your mindfulness practice.  I offer private or semi-private classes and specialized programs to accommodate your busy schedule. Make time for yourself to grow, develop, and/or heal into your unique mindfulness and wellness program that will release you from the chains of stress.

Palm Trees
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About Me


Hola! I was born and raised in New York City and have lived in a few amazing places in the USA. I lived in Japan for 2 years and still crave the #1 ramen in Yokahama. My sisters say I am the hippie sister, doing yoga and mindfulness meditation for the last 12 years. My mat is my sanctuary and a space to surrender discomfort and distractions. Other things I love: large dogs, shiny eyeshadow, mangos, aisle seats and citrus scents.

Noteworthy tidbits, I have a master’s degree from NYU and have worked and supported students in higher education for over 15 years. I am fortunate to have grown and worked in a few creative and transformative departments and met/assisted thousands of students.

I have happily completed 300 hours for my yoga certification and am registered via Yoga Alliance. I have also completed MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) foundation course, silent retreats and Omega's Mindfulness for Educators.

What is your purpose? Mine is to help others discover and uncover their unique and unstressed self. I hope to share my passion for wellness, yoga and mindfulness with you.

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White Flowers

"To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself"

Thich Nhat Hanh

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